The Constitution





Simply put

Three numbers: 6, 7 and 27  

The pneumonic: GRASP

are all it takes to become articulate in understanding and describing our Constitution—->

The document that is the foundation and protector of our rights and freedoms.

If you like your

  • Rights
  • Freedoms

Here’s a chance to show gratitude to the people, principles and sacrifice that have given you a life in an imperfect country with a nearly perfect constitution.

If asked to describe the Constitutions:

  • Purpose
  • Organization
  • Structure

Every American would benefit from being able to articulate an answer!

6 Primary Purposes

7 Articles

27 Amendments

Six primary purposes as outlined in the Preamble

 [Under Jacks Tree Does Water Lie]

In Order to

  1. Form a more perfect Union
  2. Establish Justice
  3. Insure domestic Tranquility
  4. Provide for the common Defense
  5. Promote the general Welfare
  6. Secure the blessings of Liberty

Seven articles

  1. Legislative Branch
  2. Executive Branch
  3. Judicial Branch
  4. States, Citizenship, New States
  5. Amendment Process
  6. Debts, Supremacy, Oaths, Religious Tests
  7. Ratification

Twenty-seven amendments

The first 10 of which are the

Bill of Rights

GRASP the 1st Amendment

The 1st amendment rights

G grievances no law abridging the freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances

R religion no law made re establishment or prohibiting the free exercise of religion

A assembly no law abridging the right to peaceably assemble

S speech no law abridging the freedom of

P press no law abridging the freedom of