BA Political Science, Coe College

MA Sociology, Southern Illinois University

PhD English, University of Utah

Currently Senior Fellow Hoover Institution, Stanford University

America offers tremendous opportunity for personal development

The Freedom gained with the success of the Civil Rights movement says this:

”You are free now, you cant use oppression as an excuse for your underdevelopment. If you’re not doing well its not because of oppression…its on you”

[What follows are a mixture of statements and ideas originating with Dr Steele with my occasional added commentary]

”Where are you being stopped?”

You want to be president.. OK

You want to be a CEO..OK

You want to be a lawyer or doctor? … Ok


President Johnson:

“Equal Opportunity is essential but not enough”

But the programs for black development have not reduced the achievement gap OR social turmoil for blacks.

“Perhaps its because these programs $20 trillion over ~60 years, sent the message that your fate remains in our hands.. in us [the Government] providing you with the programs to improve yourself. “

The failure of these programs re-proves what is already a universal truth.

Self development and improvement starts with self

And “self” is only fully developed in an intact home where there is love, health, nurturing.

In a community that strives to model these principles of wholeness:

  • Accountability
  • Responsibility
  • Reliability
  • Perseverance
  • Family
  • Self Discipline

Taking hold of opportunity requires a dedication to Certain Principles

These principles were what my generation of black men and women lived by!



Hard work

Delayed gratification

Individual achievement

Personal responsibility

What is the formula for success in a free society?

I’m being redundant because the answer is redundant

As Shelby Steele and many others articulate the answer is inherently obvious:

  • Personal responsibility
  • Personal initiative
  • Family values
  • Conservatism is the perfect antidote to underdevelopment.


Conservatism’s  commitment to individual responsibility, education, hard work, personal initiative, traditional family values and free markets is a universal formula for success in a free society.

Freedom says you are free now

Nothing holds you back

That means if you dont succeed in pursuit of your dreams …. you cant blame an oppressor

Remember you are free …. there is no oppressor

Remember: Racism in America is the quickest and easiest way for a white leader to self destruct. If you’re seen as a racist 


So understand that racism is mostly defeated as a powerful force holding blacks from progress

Black progress is thus in the hands of Blacks


In 2019, the share of Blacks in poverty was 1.8 times greater than their share among the general population. Blacks represented 13.2% of the total population in the United States, but 23.8% of the poverty population.

Blacks in America

  • 43 million total

  • 9 million live in poverty

  • 53% [76 million] earn less than $50,000 

Poverty defined:

The Census Bureau assigns each person or family one out of 48 possible poverty thresholds.

There are thus 48 income levels [threshold] below which the census assigns poverty

One example for a family of 5:  two children, one mother, one father, and one great-aunt.

The family’s 2019 poverty threshold (below) is $31,275.

And today, more than ever, we’re blaming our failure on Racism: Systemic, Structural and Institutional

So, Here’s the  obvious reality:

There is an unending motherload of political power in blaming the SYSTEM for persistent underachievement in the black community


White guilt: the gift that keeps on giving

Its not a genuine feeling of guilt

It is the terror of being seen as a racist

Johnson said I cant have you call me or this country a racist

So the programs were just throwing money at the problems to say to America and the World: “Look! we’re doing this for blacks in America”

These programs were what our black leaders ie Whitney Young, MLK etc in the 60’s fought for:

Head Start

Jobs Corps


The reasons for the disparities is not racism

It’s way down the list

We’ve become fixed on a delusion that we live in a society that is intent on keeping blacks down

We need to face ourselves more frankly

70% of kids are born out of wedlock

How in the world do you think the government will solve that??

It’s not a system problem due to white oppression

It’s a character problem due to an unwillingness of black males to not make babies if they cant take care of their babies

At one point we had that pride

Self reliance

More responsibility

These things determine our fate

The original oppression caused this deficit

Now that oppression is over

We have to take up that mantle

What passes for blackness is a mindless mimicry of

  • Anger
  • Pathos

Affirmative action says whats important about you is the color of your skin.. the very thing that was important when you were oppressed

When do we get to compete on our own merit

When the government says we’re ready?

When do we get to be human beings and not some pigmentized political object

to be cajoled, paternalized

Taken care of with programs after program

The answer is we get to be human when we’re  treated as human and when we take our cross and walk head up with it

Not looking to blame others for our plight

If America is so bad why do thousands journey and risk their lives to illegally cross our borders?

  • Because America is the land of opportunity for all
  • Black White and Brown
  • In other words for everyone
  • It’s a color blind land of opportunity

Those blacks who remained so focused on race have and will continue to struggle in this land of opportunity.

  • Because their eye is not so much on the prize
  • It’s on their color and how they suffer because of racism.

The Delusion of Race:

Racism/Tribalism exists but at a level and of such power that it is NON SIGNIFICANT.

It existed in Rawanda when Hutus slaughtered the more prosperous Tutsi… fellow Rawandans

It existed in Nigeria when the Ibos were resented for their hard earned prosperity and were slaughtered by their fellow Nigerians

It exist in America but we have laws and a watchdog press that will destroy you your family and your business if you just come close to being a racist, having ever made or about to make a racist statement

Like the vile bigoted verbal racist assaults I heard aimed at white people when I grew up in black Los Angeles

And momma always said two wrongs dont make a right

So dont tell me that some kinds of hatred and bigotry are OK

Steele: “the longing for a black identity grounded in victimization is a longing for an excuse to not accept the challenge of freedom It’s a way to escape that challenge”

What damaged the traditional black family?

[The Legacy of the Welfare state or the Leagcy of the Slavery?]

Centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow did not destroy the black family

But One generation of the welfare state did..

Lower incomes and higher racial barriers: the family stuck together

Newer conditions in which incomes were higher and racial barriers lower

the Onset of fatherless homes progressed.. the breakdown of the family structure endsued

The structure that had survived slavery eroded under the setting of the welfare state.